• April 22, 2024

    The Heartwarming Story Behind the Return of Abbaye de Belloc

    As highlighted in our previous article on Morbier, sometimes cheeses that have become fixtures in our cheese case become unavailable for various reasons. In the case of Morbier, changes to FDA standards on raw milk cheeses led to a nine-year absence from the US market.  Abbaye de Belloc, on the other hand, had no quarrels with the FDA – the issue here was a lack of manpower. In 2018, the number of Benedictine monks at Abbaye Notre-Dame de Belloc was down to only 20 elderly residents. These residents simply could not produce the cheese in quantities sufficient to meet demand. It was at this time they made the hard decision to cease exports.

    In the US, as in much of the world, the cheese was unavailable. Even in France, where there was still limited quantities of the cheese, a shortage of young priests joining the monastery threatened the continuation of cheese production and the very existence of the cheese itself.

    Fortunately, a creative solution rescued Abbaye de Belloc from the brink. The monks relocated to a nearby convent, allowing the French nonprofit Habitat et Humanisme to utilize the abbey to provide housing for cheesemaking interns and others struggling to afford local accommodations. In return, these individuals would learn to produce the renowned cheese using raw milk from local farms and adhering to the original recipe and aging process. Dense and silky, this exquisite cheese is truly representative of the Basque region of the Pyrenees. When you taste the notes of brown butter, cooked cream, toasted nuts, and pale caramel, you will understand why we are so excited to have it back!


    Tom Drake, our wine buyer, recommends pairing Abbaye de Belloc with Nanclares y Prieto ‘Dandelion’ Albariño. This Spanish white wine, with its citrus and saline notes, beautifully complements the lanolin and forest floor nuances of the cheese. It is incredibly refreshing, enhancing the cheese’s delicate flavors without overwhelming them.

    Order now at DeLaurenti.com

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